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A deficiency of THIS essential vitamin could lead to MEMORY loss

Thu, Sep 1, 2016
SEVERE memory loss is one of the most common signs of Alzheimer's disease among other health ailments. According to the NHS, it can also be linked to a head injury or mental health issues such as anxiety, stress and depression.
No matter what the cause, memory loss can be incredibly distressing for the person suffering from it along with their loved ones.
There are a variety of treatments and preventative measures doctors can recommend to minimise the impact of the condition, many of which are related to lifestyle choices.
And according to a recent study, ensuring you have the right intake of vitamin D can also help decrease chances of memory loss.
Deficiency in the 'sunshine vitamin' has been linked to cardiovascular disease, asthma and even cancer in the past.
Late last year, scientists from the University of Exeter Medical School published findings from an international study of 1,600 seniors take over six years.
They found participants who were mildly deficient in vitamin D were 53 per cent more
likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Shockingly, those who were severely deficient were 125 per cent more likely to develop the disease.
Health experts are now urging Brits to ensure they are getting enough of the essential nutrient.
Reportedly, many of the symptoms modern adults associate with a busy lifestyle - feeling down, having low energy levels, suffering aches and pains - may be due to a lack of vitamin D.
Leading Bioidentical Hormone and Integrated Medicine Specialist at OMNIYA Dr Sohere Roked said: "It's about optimising levels of vitamin D to really feel an elevated mood and be full of energy."
But of course, getting enough of the 'sunshine vitamin' the natural way can be incredibly difficult due to unpredictable weather and the risk of sun damage.
Dr Roked continued: "In the UK especially, we simply don't get enough sunlight to synthesis sufficient vitamin D levels. We're all at risk of being deficient."
The expert also explained, while some will seek vitamin D from dietary sources, it's hard to satisfy the requirements for the nutrient from food alone.
She said: "There's very little vitamin D in our food naturally=85 Only a small amount in egg yolks, oily fish, liver and wild mushrooms."
The nutrient can also be found in cheese.
Last month, Public Health England advised the government about people's recommended levels of vitamin D, in a bid to protect muscle and bone health.
The advice is based on recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) following its review of the evidence on vitamin D and heath. SACN recommended a daily dietary intake of 10 micrograms of the nutrient.
Thu, Sep 1, 2016
SEVERE memory loss is one of the most common signs of Alzheimer's disease among other health ailments. According to the NHS, it can also be linked to a head injury or mental health issues such as anxiety, stress and depression.
No matter what the cause, memory loss can be incredibly distressing for the person suffering from it along with their loved ones.
There are a variety of treatments and preventative measures doctors can recommend to minimise the impact of the condition, many of which are related to lifestyle choices.
And according to a recent study, ensuring you have the right intake of vitamin D can also help decrease chances of memory loss.
Deficiency in the 'sunshine vitamin' has been linked to cardiovascular disease, asthma and even cancer in the past.
Late last year, scientists from the University of Exeter Medical School published findings from an international study of 1,600 seniors take over six years.
They found participants who were mildly deficient in vitamin D were 53 per cent more
likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Shockingly, those who were severely deficient were 125 per cent more likely to develop the disease.
Health experts are now urging Brits to ensure they are getting enough of the essential nutrient.
Reportedly, many of the symptoms modern adults associate with a busy lifestyle - feeling down, having low energy levels, suffering aches and pains - may be due to a lack of vitamin D.
Leading Bioidentical Hormone and Integrated Medicine Specialist at OMNIYA Dr Sohere Roked said: "It's about optimising levels of vitamin D to really feel an elevated mood and be full of energy."
But of course, getting enough of the 'sunshine vitamin' the natural way can be incredibly difficult due to unpredictable weather and the risk of sun damage.
Dr Roked continued: "In the UK especially, we simply don't get enough sunlight to synthesis sufficient vitamin D levels. We're all at risk of being deficient."
The expert also explained, while some will seek vitamin D from dietary sources, it's hard to satisfy the requirements for the nutrient from food alone.
She said: "There's very little vitamin D in our food naturally=85 Only a small amount in egg yolks, oily fish, liver and wild mushrooms."
The nutrient can also be found in cheese.
Last month, Public Health England advised the government about people's recommended levels of vitamin D, in a bid to protect muscle and bone health.
The advice is based on recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) following its review of the evidence on vitamin D and heath. SACN recommended a daily dietary intake of 10 micrograms of the nutrient.